Rupert Location:
Morrison Funeral Home & Crematory
Phone: (208) 436-1800

Samantha Westall

Born: Wednesday Oct-26-1983
Died: Thursday Aug-15-2024
Funeral: To Be Announced

Morrison Funeral Home
& Crematory

188 S. Hwy 24
Rupert, Idaho 83350
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Samantha Joan Westall died Thursday, August 15, 2024, at St. Luke’s Magic Valley Medical Center in Twin Falls. She was born to Terry Westall and Judith Burton on October 26, 1983, in Nottingham, England. Born eleven weeks prematurely, she fought hard to come into this world just as she fought hard to remain in it.

Raised in Nottingham, Sam and her younger sister Katie had a wonderful childhood, with trips to the seaside and caravan holidays. She knew from an early age she wanted to train to be a childhood educator and graduated from Clarendon College in Nottingham with a degree in early childhood education at the age of 19.

For 20 years she worked with preschool-aged children, a job she loved and took great pride in. She spent most of that time at Radcliffe Road Day Nursery and Preschool in Nottingham, where she was loved by the students in her class. Children adored Sam, and she adored them.

Sam married the love of her life, Tara Rowe, on December 27, 2021. In September 2023, after making the life-changing decision to put down roots with her wife in Idaho, Sam quickly found a place on the staff of the College of Southern Idaho Early Learning Center, where she thrived. The kids took to her immediately and she enjoyed each of her coworkers.

Sam enjoyed reading, music, spending quiet evenings at home, traveling, and putting together puzzles. She was a kind, considerate woman who checked in with her friends and family frequently. She gave thoughtful gifts and made sure everyone in her life knew how much she loved them.

Sam was loving building a life in Idaho when she received a devastating cancer diagnosis in May. In her final days she was cared for by the skilled and compassionate staff of St. Luke’s with her wife at her bedside. She is survived by her wife, Tara Rowe of Twin Falls; mother, Judith (Adam) Burton of Nottingham; father, Terry (Gail) Westall of Nottingham; sister, Katie Westall of Nottingham; stepsister, Rae Lloyd of Leicester; brother-in-law Adam (Kyliegh) Rowe of Burley; nieces Rozlyn and Ariyah of Burley; nephew Logan of Nottingham; and countless friends and loved ones on both sides of the Atlantic.

Sam’s family would like to thank Susie Doedyns and Karyn Andrew with St. Luke’s Palliative and Supportive Care, Dr. Jessica Thibault, Mallory Cotten and Sheri Gonzales of St. Luke’s Cancer Institute, and all the attentive nurses and caregivers at St. Luke’s Magic Valley.

In lieu of flowers, please send donations to St. Luke’s Magic Valley Health Foundation. Sam’s family will announce plans for a memorial celebration at a later date.

An update on memorial plans.  On October 12th, 2024 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. a memorial service will be held at the College of Southern Idaho Taylor Building located at 315 Falls Avenue  Twin Falls, Idaho room 276.  A second memorial service will be held October 19th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Mellish Rugby Football Club in Nottingham, England.


My darling Sam Sam love you through eternity, till we meet again mumxxxx..Judith Burton

Thinking of Tara and all of Sam’s loved ones. I’m so incredibly sorry for her loss...Maggie Sharp

I am in utter shock, complete heartbreak of the most considerate, kind and loving woman who helped me through my career, relationship and being a first time mum. Sam always put other before herself even right till the end, she always had a smile on her face. I had many laughs with Sam and will never forget our memories together. She would talk about Tara and shower her with praise and love, it brings warmth to my heart that she got her happily ever after and lived the life she dreamt with the love of her life by her side. You’ll be missed dearly my beautiful friend and I promise you’ll never be forgotten. I love you Sam and so does Lola Rose.. Charlotte and Lola Rose

Sam, what can I say…I am beyond heartbroken at your sudden passing. A brilliant friend, kind, compassionate and so thoughtful. Never a gossip girl but always a listener and even when you disagreed you still always gave a peaceful response so never to hurt anyone's feelings. I will never forget your open arms and beaming smile that greeted the children and the fullest hugs that went on until the child let go…this applied to adults too, if a hug was approaching you embraced it fully. Despite your pain, and suffering you were so brave and positive, optimistic and defiant. A fighter right to the end, I will always admire that in you Sam. It's been a great privilege of my life to call you my friend, I'm so grateful that we were able to keep in such close contact, I will miss you until my time is up, I do miss you. It hurts, but it hurts because you were so loved. Rest easy Sam, love always.. Heidi Davis-Payne

My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time. I knew Sam when I started at Radcliffe road day nursery and was such a kind, caring, thoughtful, funny person and working alongside her in the rainbow room was a joy everyday. When I started she helped me through the everyday running of the room and routine we had a lot of laughs. She spoke highly of her wife in America and couldn’t wait to be with her and make a life out there with her when I found out she had her visas come through and she was going to America I cried with joy I was so happy for her. I will always remember her smile and she will always be close in my heart.. Samantha Richards

I was heartbroken to hear this terrible news. Officiating your wedding was an honor and a privilege. The love and joy you two shared just shined. All of my deepest condolences, and much love to you all... Maryanne Jordan

My condolences to miss Sam's wife and family. Sam was a lovely person and for me was an honor to work with her. She was a reliable person and sweet teacher for children in room one. Rest in peace and love dear Sam.. Clara Centeno

Sending condolences to Sam’s family and to Tara . I’m so glad Sam got to live her dream with Tara before she left this world. While we loved her we were so excited for her to go to America to be with Tara. Sam was a beautiful soul, she was kind, caring considerate and a true and supportive friend. At the nursery she was part of an amazing work family all of whom will miss her greatly. We have been left with a hole that will never be filled. She was loved and celebrated as an inspiration to follow your dreams. Taken from us all far too soon. Forever in my heart, never forgotten always missed.. Hayley

We were so saddened to hear that the world had lost you Sam. We struck up a bond with you quickly and easily upon meeting you at Radcliffe Rd. You were so open and warm and we were so happy that you cared for Matilda & Kitty. We were also thrilled for you when you married your wife and even more thrilled when you were finally able to be together. If only it could have been for longer. We’re thinking of your wife and your family, our love goes out to them for their loss. We will also continue to think of you often, particularly when Matilda declares that “team work makes the dream work”, a phrase that you taught her. You were a very special person Sam. Thank you for knowing us..Matilda, Kitty, Katie & Michael

So very, very sorry to hear of Sam's death, far too young. My wife and I met Sam many years ago as I'm also from Notts and we are also a bi-national US/UK couple. We didn't know her well but her sparkle and genuine goodness shone through and I have very happy memories of attending Nottingham Pride with Sam and her then partner. Sending so much love to her wife, family and friends.. Sian Lambert

Sam, one of the nicest people I ever did meet. You found your happiness and we were so thrilled for you. You helped me through lockdown with your words and I will be forever grateful for your care of my children as they grew in nursery. I am still shocked that you are no longer here. The world is missing a piece. We will think of you always.. Sharne Brown

Such a beautiful, kind, caring lady who brought so much joy and love to all who knew her.
Sam you will be missed by everyone who had the privilege of knowing you and your wife, family and friends are so proud of you. You have touched so many lives and left us some wonderful memories to treasure. Sleep tight, god bless..Michelle & Colin Thomson

Sam cared for both of my girls at Castle Meadow Nursery in Nottingham. She was a beautiful caring lady who my girls adored.. Helen Wilkinson

I am so very sad to hear this news. My child was one of those lucky children of Radcliffe Road Nursery that Sam taught. She was so friendly and made my very nervous, shy child feel welcome and comfortable. She had a very calm and kind nature. Sending our condolences to Sam’s family. Lisa & David Cook

Sam, you were the friendly face at the nursery door. I felt safe leaving my little one with you as you adored her and she adored you (she still does). We have talked about you often as the memories are fond. We were so sad to hear the news. I couldn't believe it. It's devastating to loose someone like you. I hope you are at peace. You were loved and are loved. Thank you for everything xx so much love.. The Masons, Charlotte, Antoni and Georgina

R.I.P. I'm thinking of all family and friends at this very sad time..Jackie Westby (family)

Sam was a wonderful loving human being and kindness was her gift to others. She was one of my daughters educators at the Tax Office Nursery in Nottingham. Sam treated everyone like family and was just someone you wanted to keep in touch with. Sincere condolences to Tara and both families for their loss.. Karen Warner

We’re do I start Sam I first met you at secondary school and became friends every morning I would walk in your house Judy and Terry would be doing there morning routine Kate would be getting ready for school, you were so quiet and timid I was the complete opposite we had many sleepovers and even after leaving school we still stayed in touch staying firm friends I’m am going to miss you so much as you knew how to keep me level headed and even sometimes a kick up the ass I am truly grateful and blessed to have had u in my life and memories we will share I will be forever grateful to you… life can be cruel I love u Sam always will shine bright beautiful forever and always.. Joanne Wood

I worked with Sam as an apprentice at Radcliffe Road Day Nursery, in the same room. We became very good friends and spent the days laughing, singing and looking after children. Sam loved her job, and the children and staff adored her too. She taught me so much, and I went on to work a few more years in childcare before I flew abroad to pursue my football career. Sam showed immense support for me from the moment I met her. I knew I could come to her with anything, and at times I did. We bumped into each other before she moved to the US, and before I moved to Australia. We laughed, reminisced, had a catch up, although only brief, and parted ways. Sam posted a beautiful message of support on my Facebook timeline the very same evening. I’ll cherish our memories, and our last unplanned meet even more so. Thank you for being wonderful. I’m glad you reached your dream of living in the US with someone as wonderful as you always were. I’ll think of you often. Love always, Beth Curzon

My condolences to family , it was an honour to have known Samantha, she truly was an amazing woman, never to be forgotten. In my prayers and thoughts . May she rest in eternal peace.Martin Stack

Sam looked after both our boys over the past ten years. She helped us as a family when our daughter was born ten weeks early. Her kindness and patience radiated from her. Along aide her good taste in music such as telling me about when shs saw Linkin Park. We kept in touch after she moved as she wouldn't get chance to look after Iris. I am forever thankful for her looking after our boys. I can't belive she is gone, she is going to so missed. Sam, you will forever hold a special place in our hearts.. Zara Townsend

So sorry to hear such sad news. Myself, Joy Nicholson and Sam amongst others all went to Clarendon college together and would sit and hang around together. Lots of found memories. Even though we wasn’t face book buddies, but I was sure we was at one time. I would see lots of sams mile stones. I was happy she found love and married. Sam always was such a kind and gentle caring person and will be greatly missed. Thinking of all of Sam’s family and friends and sending lots of love and strength. RIP Sam..Kimmy Greaves ( Everatt )

Sending so much love to the family. I've known Sam since we went to school together and have kept in contact over the years. It's been so lovely watching Sam build her life over in America with the love of her life. She deserved nothing but happiness. She was such a genuine, kind hearted soul who perhaps didn't believe it herself, but who's smile could light up a room. Sam, you will be missed so much.. Amy Guise

he news has been such a blow, sam was an amazing nursery nurse at castle meadows nursery , where I worked along side and 2 out of 3 children has the blessing of being cared for by sam. My heart goes out to katie and the rest of Sam's family..Leanne Brookes/Bradford

With deepest sympathy, I am so sorry for your loss. I worked with Sam for a while many years ago, she was a truly lovely person who will be missed by many. Rest in peace Sam..Dawn

Our daughter was in Miss Sam's class last year – our first time taking her to a childcare provider. She was so sweet and kind to our Hazel, who has a tough time at drop-off. Whenever we handed her over to Miss Sam, we knew she would be OK and in caring hands. We wanted to say how sorry we are for her family, friends and colleagues. What a terrible loss of such a kind person..Alison Smith, Daniel Gardner, Hazel

Sending thoughts to your family and Tara at this tough time. I love that we got the opportunity to work so closely together everyday and I will never forget the fantastic times we had. You were the most kind, caring person who was always there for me, and anyone, when we needed someone. Thank you for always being an incredible friend to me. I will never forget how happy you were to talk about your plans for the future and your move to America, and I’m so happy that you got to live your dreams with Tara just like you wanted. I hope you are at peace, I will always remember your beautiful smile and laugh..Claire Roberts

My thoughts are with Sam's family and wife Tara. I am heartbroken to hear about Sam's passing, she was one of the most beautiful, kind and thoughtful people I have ever met. I spent over a year working with Sam we shared so many laughs, cries and personal thoughts with each other. Sam never failed to make me feel better especially with her comforting hugs. She taught me so much about work and life, from teaching me to make biscuits for the children (she'd always make me an extra one) to helping me make the tough decisions. Nothing I asked or spoke about was ever too small in her eyes, I will cherish and miss our messing around and next step frustrations. The way her infectious laugh would light up a room and how she spoke about her passions and future in America with Tara was so inspiring. Rest easy Sam, see you in the next rainbow room.. Nicola Opie

My floss.
You've left such a big whole in all of our lives. I still have no words and cannot believe it. Logan misses his aunty so much and he adored you as did we all.
Until we meet until. Night night floss.
Yours forever kitkat..Katie Westall

Sending condolences to Sam’s family and Tara.
I had the privilege of working with Sam and becoming good friends. Sam was such a lovely person to be around although quiet and shy at times she would always have a smile on her face and an arm to put round you. We’ve enjoyed nights out, rudfest, nights away, meals out and general chit chats together. I last saw Sam at a farewell meal before her move to America and it was lovely to see the happiness radiating from her and to know she finally got what she had wanted for so long. It brings comfort that Sam got to spend her days in America with Tara along with heartbreak that their story was cut so short. Sam was an amazing lady and has touched so many life’s, I’m glad mine was one of those. All my love..Lauren




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